Swooping competition rules help outline the different events involved in each competition.
Swooping competition rules can be pretty complicated at times. However, these rules exist both to make sure that everybody competing is safe and to make sure that the competition is as fair to everybody involved as is possible. Swooping competition rules can also help outline what every round is going to be like – this way swoopers will know what skill they’re going to be demonstrating in each round.

Review the rules
Before you go to any swooping competition, you should always review the rules. This is a good idea in order to make sure that you have all of your necessary equipment, and so that you know what to do in order to keep safe. However, it is also a good idea so that you will know what to expect in each round of the competition.
Swooping competition rules will also explain what the different events will be. Since swooping is still a relatively new sport, the different events have a tendency to vary from competition to competition. Therefore, you should check before you join a competition.
Target swooping
Target swooping is one common event at a swooping competition. Generally what this means is that there are a lot of different targets that you need to pilot your canopy through in order to pick up the largest number of targets. Depending on the competition, there may also be other rules, for instance, that the swoopers must touch the water during their swoop.
“In lane” swoops
“In lane” swoops and distance events usually have very few rules. However, these are generally determined by how far the competitor is able to swoop continuously before coming in for a landing. In pond swooping competitions, the competitor is required to maintain contact with the water. In this case, the distance of the swoop does not start until at least one foot is in the water, and ends as soon as the skydiver either lands or lifts his or her foot out of the water.
There are even more events at most swooping competitions, including accuracy (landing in a particular target). After learning the rules, you should make sure that you are able to compete in all of the events that will occur at the competition you’re planning on joining.